Tu Cheese Badi Hai Mast Mast fame Raveena Tandon will, for the first time share screen with the talented actor Akshaye Khanna in an upcoming web-series titled Legacy. The web series will be directed by Vijay Gutte of The Accidental Prime Minister fame and bring the two stars together on screen for the first time. The two had featured in 2003 war drama LOC: Kargil but did not have scenes together.
Sharing the big announcement on Instagram on the auspicious occasion of Gudi Padwa, Raveena wrote:
“Wishing you all a very Happy Gudi Padwa, Cheti Chand, Chaitra Navrati and Ramdaan! Immensely happy to announce my next web series Legacy. Will be sharing the screen with Akshaye Khanna for the first time. Directed by Vijay Gutte. Produced by After Studios, AA Films and Sunny Bakshi.”
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Legacy will be Akshaye Khanna’s debut web series. An excited Akshaye Khanna said:
“It is refreshing to work on content that challenges our boundaries as an industry as a whole. Given the massive scale of the show, we are cognizant of the immense responsibility to deliver our best to create a content piece the audience looks forward to. I’m glad ‘Legacy’ is going to be my first web series.”
Raveena adds, “Legacy presents an interesting tale of power struggle with a lot of drama, which grabbed my attention. It is a fine work articulated interestingly to resonate with a global audience. I am excited to be associated with the show and looking forward to beginning this journey.”
Legacy marks director Vijay Gutte’s second collaboration with Akshaye Khanna after 2019 political drama The Accidental Prime Minister. “I am thrilled to be reuniting with Akshaye for this and exhilarated to have Raveena Tandon on board with us. This talent powerhouse is set for an epic rivalry.”
Both Raveena and Akshaye are talent powerhouse in their own right and are expected to set the screen ablaze. Raveena will be endeavouring to better her “Satta” performance while Akshaye has many milestones of his own to leave behind. His diverse roles in – Deewangi, Dil Chahta Hai, Taal, Naqaab are just a taste of what he can do when given the right kind of space.
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