VMC inviting nominations for Multicultural Awards for ExcellenceVMC inviting nominations for Multicultural Awards for Excellence

Every year Victoria recognises, celebrates and appreciates outstanding Victorians and organisations for their service to multicultural Victoria. Now in its 21st year, these annual awards are proudly coordinated by the Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC).

The Multicultural Awards for Excellence (MAEs) formally recognise people and organisations who have fostered cross-cultural understanding and supported those with migrant, refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds to fully participate in all aspects of Victorian life.

Until Sunday 7 August, the VMC is inviting nominations across 14 award categories. Nominations will be submitted via a new and easy to use website.

Categories you can nominate for an award are as below:

  1. Arts
  2. Business
  3. Community Innovation
  4. Education
  5. Emergency Services
  6. Health
  7. Justice
  8. Local Government
  9. Media
  10. Police
  11. Premier’s Award for Community Harmony
  12. Refugee Advocacy
  13. Sport
  14. Youth Leadership

To nominate, you will be answering the following four questions.

How does the nominee meet the category criteria?
Please describe at least one project or activity led by the nominee that aligns with at least one of the criteria for the chosen category. Please tell us what the nominee’s role was in the project or activity. (Max 400 words).

Which communities benefited / are benefitting from the nominee’s project or activity?
Please tell us the cultural and/or faith groups that were supported through the project, and where they live, for example which suburb(s), local government area, Victorian region. (Max 80 words).

What did the nominee’s project or activity achieve? What are some of its outcomes? Please describe what the project did practically speaking. For example, any workshops, events, publications, services, strategies or new approaches, what community members participated in and how they were involved. (Max 200 words).

Also read: Victoria’s Regional Advisory Council nominations now open

What impact has the nominee’s work had on communities?
Describe how the communities benefited or were supported by the nominee’s project or activity. What changed for them and their lives? How are they still benefitting from the nominee’s actions? (Max 200 words).

If you or someone you know deserves to be nominated, you have time only until Sunday 7 August.

This year, providing a shorter and earlier timeframe than in previous years, the ceremony will take place on Tuesday, 25 October 2022.

Award recipients will be honoured at a ceremony at Government House on that day.

Everyone is encouraged to nominate if they think their or their colleagues work deserves to be recognized.

By Singh