Multicultural music presenter, The Boite, was conceived and born at a time when refugees from the military regimes in Chile and Greece were finding a haven in Australia, a place where they could express their political views and play their music – often also political in intent.

From the days of musicians in Chile, after playing songs of resistance to military takeovers and some of them paying for it with their lives; fast forward to Melbourne 2019 – The Boite has been that platform that communicated for migrants from new countries, different languages and customs and provided a much needed welcome and recognition.

Inspired by the arrival of Chileans and Greeks who brought their music, some insightful people with an ear for music established The Boite – to provide a performance space and an opportunity for an Australian audience to enjoy diverse music and learn about other cultures and meet the artists from far-flung places.

From the very first Melbourne concert, on June 1st 1979, The Boite has produced a delightful range of concerts, workshops, radio programs and major projects inviting new listeners and artists.

To celebrate its 40 years, The Boite is presenting the first in a series of concerts in Boroondara, supported by Creative Victoria and City of Boroondara

Sarod player Sabyasachi Bhattacharya will play Hindustani Classical Music for The Boite’s 40th Anniversary year.

Coming from a country where chillies flavour much of the cuisine, his calm meditative music offers a sublime contrast to the fiery cuisine.

Sabyasachi has learnt this difficult craft of playing on Sarod, from the very best in the world – legendary Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, Pandit Saugato Nag and Ustad Shahid Parvez Khan.

A keen student of the music and its different playing styles, Sabyasachi uniquely brings together a long musical tradition, his own original thought, and long hours of sustained Riyaaz to produce beautiful and comforting music.

His primary style flows from the teachings of Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, but Sabyasachi has also imbibed many external influences for a soothing effect.

“I believe that Hindustani Music is … soul- soaking… allows me to close my eyes and allow my heart and soul to be drenched in the colour of the sound”, he said.

“The problem with playing vocal music on the Sarod is that it is exceedingly difficult.

“Thanks to Ustad Amjad Ali Khan and his innovative techniques we can now dream of even attempting such a composition on the Sarod – previously this was unheard of”.

Sabyasachi will be opening with a performance of the Indian Classical Dance form Kathak, with tabla player Pranav Ramji.

Talking to Bharat Times, Therese Virtue OAM of Boite World Music Cafe said that “we have a number of Indian concerts in our program in prestigious venues over the course of the year” to celebrate contribution of Indian music to Australia over the last 40 years.

The Boite’s 40th anniversary celebrations will be held on Saturday June 1st at 3pm – themed ‘looking back and looking forward’, featuring artists from over the 40 years, including Chilean Alejandro Vargas, who played at the very first concert, then aged15.

Alex will be performing with his daughter, Omados playing Greek music alongside younger musicians and singers.


Featuring: Sabyasachi Bhattacharya on Sarod

2:30pm, Sunday 26 May 2019

Kew Courthouse, 186 High St. Kew

Entry $29; $25conc;

Enquiries: 9417 1983

By K. Dev