Saif Ali Khan attack storySaif Ali Khan attack story

Saif Ali Khan was stabbed six times in his own home, by an intruder who, his own security, the Satguru Sharan building security and police have no clue how he got in, even more than a week after the incident. With more and more conflicting stories emerging, his detractors now even question if the whole thing was staged on his behalf.

We all know, after the attack, he presented himself at the Lilavati Hospital, with his 8 year old son Taimur, arriving in an autorickshaw driven by Bhajan Singh Rana (also interviewed by most media channels in India), who busted the initial story that Saif was taken to hospital by his adult son Ibrahim (with Amrita Singh).

The doctor, who saw Saif first at the hospital, told the media, Saif, despite the stab wounds, walked in ‘like a tiger’ and (thus) was a ‘real hero’.

The same doctor allegedly removed a 2.5 inch piece of knife embedded in his back during the attack only 2mm from his spine, pointing to the gravity of the attack and injury to the actor.

The CCTV footage was released showing a man climbing up the fire-exit stairs to the building bare feet and then leaving approximately half an hour later wearing shoes. From what came out in the media, the person caught on the CCTV leaving, presumably the attacker, had managed to get out. Despite being locked into a room by Saif’s staff.

Only days later, a man, reportedly an illegal from Bangladesh, allegedly a trainer wrestler / body builder was arrested from interstate, who has confessed to the crime.

But the experts claim, the person arrested is NOT the same caught on the CCTV. And some police experts believe the confession, which has come in so quick, makes it suspect.

Then, Saif within 5 days, walks out of Lilavati hospital, waving to his fans, looking great, hale and hearty, clearly effortlessly despite claims of such serious wounds.

Then there were other holes in the story of this attack. It was reported in the statement made to the police, his son’s maid had claimed the attacker had a hacksaw type blade in his hand. But the piece of knife, allegedly removed by the doctors from his body was of a kitchen knife, materially different from the hacksaw blade piece.

Adding to the mystery of this attack, was the fact that Saif’s 8-year-old son took him to the hospital and no one else was available to take him there. Not even his wife Kareena, who, according to media reports, was at home.

It is also questionable that Saif’s own driver was unavailable, which former police and celebrity experts say is beyond belief.

And now, some people have connected the whole saga to the economic troubles of Saif Ali Khan, which have not been the public consciousness lately.

The entire persona of Saif resides, more than him being an actor, in him being the legal heir of the entire estate of the Pataudi family which is ticketed at Rs 15,000 crores with regal properties and real estate spanning some say about 50-60 square kilometers. These properties include the Flag Staff House, the luxury hotel Noor-Us-Sabah Palace, Dar-Us-Salam, Bungalow of Habibi, Ahmedabad Palace, and Kohefiza Property.


It is not well known that those properties were declared ‘enemy property’ under the Enemy Properties Act 1968 (“Act”) by the government in 2014. Saif had challenged that in court and had managed to get a ‘stay order’ in 2015.

Some amendments have been made to the laws under the Act in 2015 and 2018 which have become a bit of bother for Saif.

At a hearing on December 13 last year, the government submitted to the court that an “appellate authority (“Tribunal”) has been constituted for adjudication of disputes in regard to enemy property”. The court was further informed that the parties to the dispute could file their position statements to the tribunal.

On 13 December 2024, Justice Vivek Agarwal of the Madhya Pradesh High Court ordered Saif to make his submissions to the Tribunal within 30 days, or by January 12.

It is not clear if Saif filed any documents by January 12 as ordered by Justice Vivek Agarwal.

Speculating that Saif Ali Khan is about to lose his estate worth Rs 15,000 crores, some commentators suggest the attack story – which has many conflicting and questionable facts, could be a craft of his marketing team ‘to garner sympathy in the legal land’. If he loses the Pataudi family estate, will he be Bankrupted?

It is an interesting take on the stabbing attack on Saif Ali Khan story which in itself is keeping busy thousands of Indian journalists.

An additional interesting fact is that the attack story has completely buried any coverage of Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency which was released within hours as the doctors at the Lilavati hospital were operating on the actor to remove the knife piece embedded in his back during the attack.

Such is life!