Suren Surender for Kingston

Suren Surender for Kingston

Meet Suren Surender for Kingston
Karkarook Ward

If you are living in the area, this is why you may consider to vote for Suren:

If elected, Suren will work for

  1. Moorabbin renewal
  2. Better economic management &
  3. Relief from traffic congestion along South road after completion of Mordialloc freeway.

Do you think your local council is appropriately representative of your community and its interests?

No , there is a lot needed to be done in terms of representation and promoting multiculturalism.

If you are voter, this is Suren’s pitch to you:

If you elect me as your councillor not only you are electing a highly qualified person to protect your day to day interest as well as you will be electing a councillor who will be very visible and active in your ward.

“Yours Very Local and Very Vocal Candidate”
Please VOTE   1

KARKAROOK Ward is a new Ward out of older North ward which now includes Moorabbin, Clarinda (part), Cheltenham (part), Oakleigh south (part) And Heatherton (part).

I have a 10 point positive plan for our ward:

  1. Fight against improper development.
  2. Support Small businessesand revitalise shopping precincts with better parking.
  3. More support for our community centres and libraries.
  4. Increased sports and recreation investments.
  5. Ensuring our ward is a safer place to live and raise our families.
  6. Better early childhood and family facilities.
  7. Crime reduction within KINGSTON.
  8. Promote Budgets transparency with Better economic management.
  9. Push for better roads with recycled plastic.
  10. Support clean incineration to produce energy and lesser landfills.

Unlike other candidates, I am:
✅ An experienced post graduate  ‍  Accountant and financial planner.
A Proud small business owner.
An Advocate of saving ratepayers money.
I am willing to put in the work, be accessible, and visible if elected.
🏻Stand up for community first issues and commitment with desire to serve the community with my knowledge and experience.

“Please use your VOTE   Wisely
As your vote will decide the future of our Kingston Council “
All the very best KARKAROOK Ward residents

Do you think migrant communities are appropriately looked after by the mainstream political parties in Victoria?

Overall in Victoria Yes to a degree however not within Kingston and Karkarook ward in particular.

As  a Victorian of Indian/Asian descent what do you miss most about India?

Friends and extended family members as well as authentic Food.


Suren believes the state government has mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic.