Praveen Kumar for Moreland

Praveen Kumar for Moreland

Meet Praveen Kumar for Moreland
North-West ward

If you live in the area, this is why you may consider voting for Praveen Kumar!

If you get elected, what will be your top three priorities?

If  elected as the councillor my policy priorities for North West Ward of Moreland are

  • Promote alocal economic recovery that assists small businesses through new grants, local jobs programs, and support to adopt covid-safe measures.
  • Advocatefor the services that your family rely on. Now more than ever, we need more funding for local childcare, maternal health services, and quality aged care.
  • Opposeunfair parking changes that would impose 2 h-our parking rrestrictions in re -sidential-areas and limit access to permits for families.
  • Supportsafety and security through improved lighting and CCTV where required and implement localised programs to curb family violence.
  • Encouragesustainable development that meets the needs of our community, without jeopardising local amenity and clogging our streets.
  • Vote against unfair increases to rates and support relief for those doing it tough.

Do you think your local council is appropriately representative of your community and its interests?

Moreland City Council is one of the most diverse councils in Victoria. The South Asian community is the fastest growing community in Moreland yet we lack political representation. Though the South Asian community has made great progress in many aspects but we are still behind in political representation not only in Moreland but also in Victoria.  It is important to have political representation so that the interests of the community are heard and advocated.

What would you like to say to a potential voter to vote for you?

As I speak to residents, and through my involvement in a number of local community and sporting groups, it is clear to me that our community want a council focussed on their needs. As a small business owner, father and resident of Moreland for nearly two decades, I will be ready to advocate for the residents from day one. We need councillors with real life experience who understand the concerns of residents and prioritise their needs in every decision.

As a member of the Victorian community do you think migrant communities are appropriately looked after by the mainstream political parties in Victoria?

If you look at the elected representatives( MP/MLC) of different parties it’s clearly evident that the Labor party has been by far more receptive to the migrant communities than the Liberal’s.

Naturally the elected representatives from migrant communities will understand the problems of the migrant communities better than anyone else. In this aspect the Australian Labor Party has been a stand out in looking after the welfare of migrant communities

As Victorian of Indian/Asian descent what do you miss most about India / your country of origin here or what do you fondly remember?

There are many things that we miss, especially close family and friends. Also the huge celebrations and festivals, the authentic street food.

Your assessment of the State government’s and the Opposition’s role in handling/addressing the COVID-19 crisis

What we are facing is once in a century pandemic, no one can be prepared for something like this. But on the hindsight we (Victoria/Australia) have done exceptionally well if you look at what’s happening around the world. There were definite failures on part of the Federal and State Government in the management of Covid crises in the Aged Care sector as well as the Hotel Quarantine. But overall I think we are in a better position than many others in the world.