Anne Makhijani for Whitehorse

Anne Makhijani for Whitehorse

Anne Makhijani for Whitehorse
Mahoneys Ward

If you are a voter living in the area, this is why you may consider to vote for Anne:

If elected her top three priorities will be:  

  1. Better services despite rate capping 
  2. Taking Climate Change seriously 
  3. A more Sustainable City with – rates kept low, protection of the environment, reducing waste to landfill, tackling recycling, efficient energy use and restricting inappropriate development.

Do you think your local council is appropriately representative of your community and its interests?

Yes, we celebrate our multicultural community here in Whitehorse with several festivals showcasing the food, dance and culture of our diverse community. These are large public events where all are welcome, it gives people of different backgrounds an opportunity to mix with members of other ethnic communities, talk to them and understand their culture. Some are single events, where diverse communities are represented, some are a celebration of a particular community at an important time or to celebrate a festival. We also have an Interfaith network connecting people of different religious beliefs, so they can better understand each other.

Anne’s pitch to her potential voter:
I have already been serving the community for 17years as a community volunteer, I have delivered outcomes that have long term benefits for the community. I am an Independent with no affiliation or membership of any political party. If you would like your representative to be independent with the community’s best interest at heart, then please vote for me.

Do you think migrant communities are appropriately looked after by the mainstream political parties in Victoria?
Yes, we are fortunate to live in a country where being different and coming from another culture is accepted and celebrated. In many countries in the world this is not the case. Every effort is made to communicate with people in their own language if their knowledge of english is not fluent. For example the Council election ballots have instructions in 36 languages, I am not aware of any state or country that makes such an effort to engage with migrant communities to this extent. I think we should recognise this, appreciate it and make every effort we can, to give back to the community of this wonderful State of Victoria.

What do you miss most about India / your country of origin here or what do you fondly remember?
As a person of Indian origin, I miss family and the network of friends we left behind when we migrated. We have kept in touch and meet as often as we can, so that our children can also get to know everyone well, develop deep connections and relationships.

On Victoria’s handling of COVID-19, Anne sided with Daniel Andrews saying:

 At a time of crisis I think the Opposition should have been co-operative and supportive, rather than just being negative. The State Government initially did an excellent job but has been struggling since the second wave. The community also has to take responsibility for the case numbers not going down as they should, if people ignore the rules and mix with family and friends, they will no doubt be spreading the virus and the cases will keep being detected, prolonging the suffering and difficulties for all.