Now in its 27th year, Bharat Times (BT) was founded by Dinesh Malhotra in 1997 to coincide with Golden Jubilee celebrations of India’s Independence, giving the Indian Australian population a genuine platform to express their views and thereby making their contribution to the mainstream Australian society. Since then, BT has been serving the needs of all Indians and Indian Australians who have chosen to adopt Australia as their home or place of short (temporary) stay, voicing their concerns to echo in respective State and Federal Parliaments.
BT has a team of committed writers and journalists who have been tirelessly contributing for more than two decades to provide that platform and a publication which is food for thought.
BT stories have been used as source of information by various mainstream media channels such as Channel Seven (one of three commercial television stations in Australia), AAP (Australian Associated Press), The Age (A Melbourne Daily since 1854), Herald Sun (A Melbourne Daily of News Corporation and Australia’s biggest selling daily newspaper) and many others. For the last twenty plus years, BT has covered a vital mix of local, national and international issues important to and close to the heart of Indians and Australians every month.
BT’s commitment of maintaining a serious focus on “service” makes it a real publication and not just substance between advertisements as a journalist from the mainstream print media very aptly described.
Today, BT prides itself of being the FIRST Australian Indian publication in Australia, complete with its body, mind and soul – providing a voice and direction which is uniquely significant to the Australian Indian community’s exigent requirements.