Mohammed Khan murdererMohammed Khan murderer

Jealous Mohammed Khan, whose wife was having an affair with his friend’s brother Syeid Alam, killed Alam by beheading him and disposing of his body separately in two pieces – torso and his head wrapped in jeans.

Khan has been sentenced to life in jail for the murder after being found guilty as charged in the Supreme Court in Rockhampton. The court heard Khan had arranged to go fishing with Alam, the night Alam disappeared in 2016. Alam’s headless body was found on the banks of Rockhampton’s Fitzroy River in April 2016, 11 days after he went missing. His head was found nearby, wrapped in jeans, a short time later.

A small axe, Khan used to commit the crime, was also found a day later.

Perhaps not being able to anticipate the investigative capabilities of the Queensland police, Khan had pleaded not guilty to Alam’s murder.

The court heard the sexual affair between Alam’s brother, Shah Alam and Khan’s wife Suparti had ended seven weeks prior to the commission of murder. But he became violent and irate when  he learnt Alam’s brother was in possession of naked photos of his wife Suparti.

Crown Prosecutor Joshua Phillips told the jury Alam had alerted Khan to an explicit image of Khan’s wife — taken by Alam’s brother Shah Alam from a Skype call where she had agreed to expose herself to Shah Alam, who then took a screen grab and kept it.

For jealous Mohammed Khan it was more upsetting that his wife’s affair was with Shah Alam who had taken the picture(s) and then handed over to his brother – victim Syeid Alam. That became the trigger in Khan’s mind.

Victim Syeid Alam’s wife Ferdous Ferdous, giving evidence explained her husband possessed the photo because her husband and his brother shared an Apple ID account.

An ABC News report said Ferdous Ferdous and Syeid Alam were not legally married under Australian law but were considered married within their religion.

Khan’s wife Suparti admitted to a relationship with Shah Alam, whom she had sent a partially naked selfie and also exposed herself during a Skype conversation with him. From that Skype conversation, Shah Alam had kept a screenshot.

She said Khan was disappointed when she told him about the relationship with Shah Alam, but said he told her he would give her “freedom” if she wanted to marry him.

“I’m his wife and then I’m just cheating like that so of course he will be disappointed,” Suparti said.

The court heard highly probable mobile-tower-location data and traffic-camera footage placed Khan at the “kill zone” on the night of the murder.

“Who else has been shown to have plans that night with Syeid? Crown Prosecutor Joshua Phillips asked.

“Who else has been shown to have a strong motive, a strong motive for dispatching the older brother of the man who slept with his wife, who slept with his wife, the mother of his young kids.”

With life in Jail, jealous Mohammed Khan will be not counting the days before he can breathe in free air – which is a number of years away.