Dr Angraj Khillan, Victorian Australian of the Year 2023Dr Angraj Khillan, Victorian Australian of the Year 2023

The 2023 Victorian Australian of the Year recipients were announced on 8 November 2022 at a ceremony at Government House. From a selection of sixteen nominees, four Victorians were named as the state-based recipients of the 2023 Australian of the Year, Young Australian of the Year, Local Hero of the Year and Senior Australian of the Year awards.

These Victorian recipients will progress in their respective categories as nominees for the national award. National recipients will be announced on 25 January 2023 in Canberra.

Australia Day Victoria would like to congratulate all the recipients and pay tribute to the outstanding contribution they make to our state.

Victorian Australian of the Year 2023: Dr Angraj Khillan

Paediatrician and co-founder of Health Awareness Society of Australia

Dr Angraj Khillan sold offerings outside a temple as a student in India to fund his medical books. Today, the paediatrician changes lives by delivering healthcare and health education to culturally diverse communities in Australia.

Angraj co-founded the Health Awareness Society of Australia (HASA) in 2018 to dispel taboos, myths and misinformation about health. Its volunteers deliver forums and virtual sessions in English, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu and Arabic on topics from mental health to COVID-19 vaccinations.

But HASA is just one way he’s made a difference. The beloved ‘Dr Raj’ energised and extended the fly-in fly-out paediatric service for Aboriginal children in remote communities after migrating to Australia in 2004 and becoming the Royal Darwin Hospital’s paediatrician.

He’s worked to raise awareness of domestic violence and dowry abuse since moving to Melbourne in 2010, raising funds for philanthropy in India, East Timor, Australia and much more.

Dr.Raj Khillan has 20years of experience in paediatrics and its subspecialties and has the following professional affiliations;

  • Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
  • Fellow, Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health(U.K)
  • Member Geneva Foundation of Medical Education and Research
  • Member Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand
  • Member Indian Academy of Paediatrics.
  • Public Hospital Attachment; Sunshine Hospital Werribee Mercy Hospital
  • Former Senior Lecturer, Melbourne Clinical School, Notre Dame University

Dr Raj Khillan is a Consultant Paediatrician with a special interest in: Neonatology Tongue Tie & Lip Tie snipping; Unsettled Babies; Behavioural and Sleep issues; Autism, Aspergers Syndrome and ADHD assessments and treatment; Growth & development issues; Continence problems-Constipation & Enuresis; Eczema and other allergies; Acute paediatrics; General Child and adolescent health.

Public Hospital attachment: Sunshine Hospital and Werribee Mercy Hospital.

By Singh