Vivek Sharma for Melton

Vivek Sharma for Melton

Meet Vivek Sharma for Melton
Coburn Ward

If you are a voter living in the Coburn Ward area of Melton, this is why you may consider to vote for Vivek Sharma!

If elected to Melton council, Vivek’s top three priorities will be:

  1. Melton High Street facelift
  2. Hourly sanitizing of parks and
  3. Snake safety plan

Do you think your local council is appropriately representative of your community and its interests?

– No we have a council that had same councilors for last 20 years. We need fresh ideas and new people.

Vivek’s pitch to his potential voter:

– you’d notice that unlike other candidates, I have put my election promises right on my election poster. This shows a clear intention to complete them. I have also received clear endorsement from sitting state member parliament. This showcases my ability to engage state govt to resolve local issues.

Do you think migrant communities are appropriately looked after by the mainstream political parties in Victoria?

 – No, there is complete negligence towards many challenged faced by the community. Most important is neglecting the need to fastrack family visas. They need to understand the visas are not just numbers but relationships. You can’t put a price to human emotions. The governments are too objective when it comes to mental and emotional health of immigrants. This is like a second stolen generation in the making with parent visa queues 15+ years.

As Victorian of Indian/Asian descent what do you miss most about India / your country of origin here or what do you fondly remember?

I miss kite safe flying. We can get everything here but u can’t get the time spent with friends flying kite on Basant Panchami. The winds are too fast and raoot here that small kites tear off and big one’s cut your figures too easy. India has that digestive vibe and perfect wind. I miss my family and friends of course.

On COVID-19 pandemic Vivek thinks the  “state government has done fairly”.