Shanaka Perera for Moreland

Shanaka Perera for Moreland

Meet Shanaka Perera for Moreland
North-West Ward

If you live in the area and have a vote, this is why you may consider to vote for Shanaka Perera

Shanaka says: Promises will not work – we need action! 

If elected Shanaka’s priorities will be:

  1. Expanding the infrastructure/capital works program of Council,
  2. Prioritizing Council provided aged care and
  3. Fair traffic enforcement that isn’t seen as a cash grab.

Do you think your local council is appropriately representative of your community and its interests?

I do not think Moreland Council is representative of the diversity of cultures and political interests of the community and I am standing as an Independent, grassroots member to bridge this divide.

Your pitch to a potential voter to vote for you?

As your representative on Council I would be interested in strengthening meaningful engagement, good governance and ensuring prudent financial responsibility of the $200 million+ Council collects from us annually. Our potential as a vibrant community is yet to be realized, but your vote brings us a step closer! Your vote will help reinforce the ‘local’ in local government.

Do you think migrant communities are appropriately looked after by the mainstream political parties in Victoria?

I think migrant communities are seen as monolithic voting blocks which are based on stereotypical assumptions and tokenistic representation. We know this from this recent branch stacking scandals that migrant communities are seen as good followers but not worthy of leadership. That said, it is up to all migrant communities to assert their freedom to politically organize and support/vote up candidates who can empathise with their journeys to Australia. We must not take our democracy for granted!

As Victorian of Asian descent what do you miss most about your country of origin here or what do you fondly remember?

My background is Sri Lankan and I was born and spent part of my life in Dubai. I also lived in Singapore and the United States of America. All of us in Australia have made a decision to settle in Australia and embrace a new way of life although I do miss certain foods found in those countries and a lot of my friends find Australia too far away to visit! I do also miss my extended family but luckily they are only one flight away!

Your assessment of the handling of COVID-19 Pandemic in Victoria

I believe that our State Government was completely unprepared for this situation and hubris and arrogance led to the second wave … Decisions like putting Melbourne into the strictest and longest lockdown in the world must be transparent …