Naureen Choudhry for Monash

Naureen Choudhry for Monash

Meet Naureen Choudhry for Monash
Oakleigh Ward

If you are a voter living in the Oakleigh Ward area of Monash, this is why you may consider to vote Naureen Choudhry

If elected, Naureen’s top three priorities will be:

  1. Community supports and services including capacity building for diverse communities
  2. Relief for ratepayers and traders in wake of covid challenges
  3. Improved community infrastructure including sustainable solutions

Do you think your local council is appropriately representative of your community and its interests?

I believe that the diversity of Monash is not reflected in Council at the moment. We can do better in ensuring that all voices and points of view are represented. 

What would you like to say to a potential voter to vote for you?

Please make an informed decision when you cast your vote. Reach out to the candidates, ask them the difficult questions, hold them to account. Your vote is your power, use it responsibly and elect the leaders who you can confidently say will represent your voice.

As a member of the Victorian community do you think migrant communities are appropriately looked after by the mainstream political parties in Victoria?

I belong to a migrant community. I believe the opportunities are there. Migrant community members should seek out those opportunities. 

As Victorian of Indian/Asian descent what do you miss most about your country of origin here or what do you fondly remember?

I was born in Pakistan, but I grew up in Montreal, Canada. I loved having friends from all over the world. It was such a multicultural society. I still have a very diverse group of friends here as well. It was my exposure to diversity at an early age that has led me to a better understanding of issues that are faced by emerging communities. And that is what has led me to where I am: seeking representation on Monash Council.

When asked to give her assessment of the handling of COVID-19 pandemic in Victoria as a member of the Victorian community,

Naureen thought the question should be redirected to the local State MP.