Mandeep Premi for Cardinia

Mandeep Premi for Cardinia

Meet mandeep Singh Premi for Cardinia
Officer ward

If you live in the area and have a vote, this is why you may consider to vote for Mandeep!

If elected Mandeep wil focus on:

  1. Our roads!
  2. Our footpaths!
  3. And our safety.

Cardinia is a growing area and needs more attention. 

Do you think your local council is appropriately representative of your community and its interests?

Yes. Local governments are designed to help local communities. 

Mandeep’s simple and cute pitch to his potential voter:

Vote for someone you believe represents your values and supports your vision for your area. 

As a member of the Victorian community, do you think migrant communities are appropriately looked after by the mainstream political parties in Victoria?

There are many opinions on this matter. Australia is at its heart now a multicultural population. Migrant communities should be respected as equally as our own. 

As Victorian of Indian/Asian descent w hat do you miss most about India / your country of origin here or what do you fondly remember?

I was born in Australia but I have visited India many times and I love that we are bringing our culture across the seas to Australia.

Mandeep gave full marks to Daniel Andrews on his handling of COVID-19 when he said:

Time will tell. I believe our government has done a wonderful job of managing something so unprecedented. We need to work as a community now to eradicate covid.