Aijaz Moinuddin for Wyndham

Aijaz Moinuddin for Wyndham

Meet Aijaz Moinuddin for Wyndham
Harrison Ward

If you live in the area and have a vote, this is why you may consider to vote for Aijaz!

If elected, Aijaz will have the following as his top priority:  

  1. Currently creating local jobs is my top priority
  2. Fixing local roads, local transportation and train station parking
  3. Opening of space in order to improve the health and well-being of residents.

Do you think your local council is appropriately representative of your community and its interests?

Council is doing to its level I fell it has been ignored by the state government and federal govern being a safe seat.

What would you like to say to a potential voter to vote for you?

 I am standing for Better Wyndham and improve the quality of life. I want to make Wyndham a better place to live with high standard services and infrastructure for the fastest-growing council.

As a member of the Victorian community do you think migrant communities are appropriately looked after by the mainstream political parties in Victoria?

Jobseeker has helped the immigrant community nothing from the state initiatives that were benefiting. My concerned are the students they have left been left out on there own no one to speak nowhere to go.

As Victorian of Indian/Asian descent  what do you miss most about India / your country of origin here or what do you fondly remember?

The honesty of people who like to share when they needed most in order to help others. Every time I go any of my friends place the way they welcome and stand till the last minute on doors it reminds me of India’s rich culture which I feel we have a responsibility to preserve.

Your assessment of the State government’s and the Opposition’s role in handling/addressing the COVID-19 crisis we have been thrown into since March 2020.

Federal initiative with temporary measures was excellent at the beginning but the political interest of states has taken over since the second wave. I don’t see measures to rebuild and bounce back as they can blame on State and Federal.