The much awaited roadmap out of lockdown for Melbournians has been outlined by the Premier Daniel Andrews. Under this roadmap, Premier Andrews announced some freedom droplets coming our way but Melburnians will remain in lockdown for more than a month, until October 26.
While the promised roadmap has been delivered to the lockdown weary Melbournians, the state recorded 507 new cases overnight, along with one death — a man in his 90s.
The roadmap out of lockdown announced by Premier Daniel Andrews does not lift heavy restrictions for metropolitan Melbourne until October 26.
Some restrictions will ease from September 26. The government believes Victoria will achieve at least single dose 80 per cent vaccination by that date. Based on that and the number of daily cases remaining within predictions, the following restrictions will be eased:
- Melbournian will be allowed to travel up to 15km from homes.
- Up to five fully vaccinated people will be able to train with personal trainer outside.
- Up to five fully vaccinated people Melburnians can play sport and engage in “other outdoor recreation activities” or enjoy picnic together across two households.
The state government has forecast October 5 as “return to school” date for some as below:
- Students can return to sit the GAT if required on October 5in Metropolitan Melbourne.
- Onsite learning resumes for VCE Units 3/4 and final year VCAL and IB students from October 6.
- Prep students return three days a week, while years 1 & 2 students return two days a week onsite from October 18
At 70 per cent double dosed (predicted to be October 26)
According to the government’s modelling on which the roadmap is based, Victoria will achieve 70 per cent double dosed vaccination target by October 26 earning various further easing of restrictions.
From October 26, there will be further easing of restrictions as below:
- Leaving home
No restrictions on leaving home - Curfew
No curfew - Travel limit
Travel limit will be increased to 25km - Retail
Retail will reopen for outdoor service only and click and collect/delivery services. - Childcare
Childcare will open for children of fully vaccinated parents. - Hairdressing – will be allowed to have five fully vaccinated people at a time.
- Public gatherings
Groups of 10 fully vaccinated or five unvaccinated people will be able to gather. - Entertainment venues
Outdoors only, limited to 50 fully vaccinated people. - Religious services
Groups of 50 fully vaccinated or 20 unvaccinated people will be able to attend outdoor religious services. - Funerals
Groups of 50 fully vaccinated or 20 unvaccinated people will be able to attend outdoor funerals. - Weddings
Groups of 50 fully vaccinated or 10 unvaccinated people will be able to attend outdoor weddings. - Outdoor community sports
Open for training only, changing rooms closed. - Masks
Masks will remain mandatory both indoors and outdoors.
Reported yesterday: 507 new local cases and 0 cases acquired overseas.
– 43,441 vaccines administered
– 58,619 test results received
– Sadly, 1 person with COVID-19 has diedMore later: #COVID19VicData
— Victorian Department of Health (@VicGovDH) September 18, 2021
The government modelling shows Victoria will achieve 80 per cent of over-16s will be fully vaccinated. That will add to further easing of restrictions as per the roadmap announced by the Premier on Sunday.
Premier Andrews said from November 5, 2021:
- Masks will be only required inside.
- Early childhood education and care services can open.
- Pubs, restaurants and cafes can open for seated service only – for up to 150 fully vaccinated people inside and 500 outdoors.
- Hairdressing, beauty and personal care will be open for fully vaccinated people.
- Indoor community sport can open for the minimum number required.
- Employees will be advised to work from home if they can – but the fully vaccinated can go to work.
- All retail can reopen.
- All students can return to school with additional safety measures in place.
- You will have up to 10 people permitted at your home.
- Up to 150 fully vaccinated people can dine indoors, and up to 30 can gather in public outside.
- Onsite adult education will return for fully vaccinated Australians.
- Weddings, funerals, and religious services can return for 150 fully vaccinated people indoors and 500 outdoors.
In this roadmap, the government hopes to deliver both shots to (fully vaccinate) at least 80 per cent of Victorians over-12s by Christmas and you will be able to have up to 30 visitors at home for the celebrations.