Housing statement - hot air?

The Allan Labor Government’s signature housing policy is in disarray as Premier Jacinta Allan abandons her government’s promise to build 80,000 new homes each year, over ten years.

Speaking before a Parliamentary Committee today, Deputy Secretary of Housing Implementation, Jeroen Weimer, while confirming that only 55,000 homes have been built over the past year, excused the failed rate of build by stating: “The Government’s housing target is to work towards 80,000 homes being built every year”.

Both the Premier and the Secretary of the Department of Premier and Cabinet then crab walked away from the annual promise, stating a commitment to only build a total of 800,000 new homes across 10 years.

The testimony today directly contradicts the government’s own promise (Housing statement) to build 80,000 a year across 10 years when announcing the Housing Statement in September 2023.

Shadow Minister for Planning, James Newbury, said: “Today Jacinta Allan has abandoned their signature housing policy promise and broken the dreams of every Victorian wanting to buy their first home.

“Since announcing Labor’s Housing Statement, construction has gone backwards because the Government has broken the back of industry by collecting $21.5 billion in new property taxes.

“Labor’s housing target is nothing more than a con that Labor has abandoned. Victorians deserve better than a Premier who has broken the heart of every Victorian wanting to own their own home.”    

Like Labor’s pledge to hold the CWG2026 which ended up costing the state more than half a billion dollars, is its Housing statement also heading in the same direction?

On March 14, Minister for Housing, Harriet Shing, twice failed to confirm if Labor will ever meet the 80,000 new homes promise.

Furthermore, the Minister was unable to explain why after almost a decade in government, there are fewer public housing bedrooms available and wait times and waitlists for public housing have continued to grow.

With this latest performance, the new narrative ‘to work towards’ – is a smart choice of words to cover up their delivery failure.

Performance accountability has to brought back in by those in power, first to monitor their own bureaucrats sitting on thick fat pay packets – some more than 10 single-income households annual income. Atrocious.

Since 2018, the Labor Government has added a total of just 221 extra public housing properties, despite spending $4 billion.

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