
In light of the latest outbreak of COVID cases, the state government has put some restrictions back on and finetuned the state’s COVIDSafe Settings. The current COVIDSafe Settings in Victoria include the following restrictions for metropolitan Melbourne.

From 6:00pm Tuesday 25 May 2021 the below listed settings apply to all parts of Melbourne Metropolitan area. Metropolitan Melbourne consists of the following Local Government Areas (LGAs):

Banyule, Bayside, Boroondara, Brimbank, Cardinia, Casey, Darebin, Frankston, Glen Eira, Greater Dandenong, Hobsons Bay, Hume, Kingston, Knox, Manningham, Maribyrnong, Maroondah, Melbourne, Melton, Monash, Moonee Valley, Moreland, Mornington Peninsula, Nillumbik, Port Phillip, Stonnington, Whitehorse, Whittlesea, Wyndham, Yarra, Yarra Ranges

Face masks:

Continue to be carried at all times. Face masks must be worn indoors (except at private residences where recommended). This includes:

  • shopping centres, supermarkets, retail outlets and markets
  • when visiting hospitals and aged care facilities
  • restaurants and cafes, when you are not eating or drinking
  • libraries
  • cinemas
  • churches and places of worship
  • entertainment facilities
  • recreational facilities and gyms
  • on public transport, in taxis, or in ride share vehicles

Social Gatherings:

  • Private gatherings in the home are limited to five visitors per day for metropolitan Melbourne, not including infants under 12 months old.
  • Intimate partner visits are not included in the daily limit.
  • Public gatherings are limited to 30 people for Metropolitan Melbourne.

Work and study settings

  • Workplaces – open
  • Schools – open
  • Early childhood and care – open
  • Higher education – open
  • Face masks must be worn when indoors

Retail and community facilities

  • Open
  • Face masks must be worn when indoors

Cafes and hospitality settings

  • Open
  • Face masks must be worn indoors when not eating and drinking

Hospitals and care facilities

  • Open
  • Two visitors at a time, no more than five visitors per day
  • Except in end of life support situations where it is two visitors at a time, with no daily limit.

Places of worship

  • Open – current restrictions remain unchanged.
  • Face masks must be worn when indoors.

Weddings and funerals

  • Depending on where the wedding or funeral is held, private gathering, public gathering or venue limits may apply
  • Face masks must be worn when indoors.

Also read: 2 Indian Businesses as COVID exposure sites

Travel to regional Victoria

  • Travel is allowed between metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria
  • Metropolitan Melbourne restrictions travel with you
  • If you visit someone outside of metropolitan Melbourne, they must not have more than five visitors to their home in that day.
  • If you attend a public gathering outside of Greater Melbourne, it must not be bigger than 30 people.
  • Victorians visiting regional Victoria from Melbourne will also need to wear a face mask when indoors even when outside of metropolitan Melbourne, unless an exception applies.


  • Accommodation in metropolitan Melbourne is open, however, the private gathering limit of five visitors applies as though the accommodation is the home of the person who made the booking.
  • A guest who does not live with you, and who is not your intimate partner, counts as a guest and is included in the five-person limit

Staying COVIDSafe

Everyone wants to get back to normal but we also need to stay safe. We are asking Victorians to stay safe by getting tested and practicing COVIDSafe behaviours. This is especially important as we see friends and family, celebrate together, travel together and move around Victoria, Australia and New Zealand. Coronavirus is still present in Australia and we must all be vigilant and play our part to reduce the spread.

To check all exposure sites, click here.

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