Amidst the challenges of school and friends, beyondblue is encouraging young people and their parents to get to know beyondblue’s ‘The Brain’ character.

New data reveals that more than half of the young Australians who saw The Brain, during a beyondblue campaign last year, are now more likely to talk to a friend when they are struggling with problems which perhaps they otherwise would not.

Launched last May, the campaign encouraged teenagers to take action against depression and anxiety.

Teenagers experiencing these symptoms (such as difficulty sleeping, concentrating and socialising) were encouraged to visit and complete ‘The Brain Quiz’ (the K10 test) to assess their mental health and provide advice on getting help if needed.

Beyondblue CEO Georgie Harman said these results show the quirkiness of The Brain has cut through the crowded online space to reach teenagers, but we need to keep repeating the message.

“Too many young people resist speaking up when they’re struggling because they’re worried about how others will perceive them.

This campaign aimed to show teenagers that experiencing depression or anxiety doesn’t mean they are weak or weird, it simply means that their ‘Brain’ is giving them a hard time.”

Besides information on depression and anxiety, visitors to the site can also seek information on other issues young people face, like drugs and alcohol, body image, bullying and cyberbullying and self-harm, and on where to go to get help.

“Staying mentally healthy helps students thrive at school and protects them from problems later in life. Half of all adult mental health conditions emerge by age 14,” Ms Harman said.

Mental health professionals are available at the beyondblue Support Service via phone 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 or via for online chat (3PM-12AM AEST) or email responses (within 24 hours).

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